Hi there!

We know hearing from us about locum work cannot compare to hearing directly from a locum who’s been there and done that. This is why we took the time to sit down with one of our longest-term locums, Nirma, to understand her story and offer you a glimpse into her locum journey. We hope our conversation with Nirma will help shed some light on locum work for those of you who may be on the fence and wanting to learn more.

SG Rehab OT Nirma

” Before discovering locum work, I had poor work life balance. I was constantly working overtime, including from home on the weekends, and did not have enough time to care for myself. As a result, my health and wellness suffered…”

“…I initially felt guilty for going into locum work instead of going into the next full-time employment after leaving my first full-time job. But I now realize that locum work is for anyone who wants flexibility, for any reason.”


It’s perfectly okay to take on flexible work and it may help you realize where and what kind of work you want to do.



I was always under the impression that flexible work in my field is not a good idea to have as its viewed as unstable and has no great value. But only until I started on it, did I realize how much it re-centered me and connected me back professionally after a loss of professional identity.


Locum work requires you to hit the ground running most of the time.

This, coupled with changes that come with locum work, forces you to be more adaptable and flexible. It may seem difficult at the start but it has made me a better person and clinician and I’ve learned so much more about my strengths and areas to improve on after starting on my locum journey.


You don?t need a right reason to switch to locum work.

I initially felt guilty for going into locum work instead of going into the next full-time employment after leaving my first full-time job. But I now realize that locum work is for anyone who wants flexibility, for any reason. Whether it is to care for loved ones, or to spend more time in improving one’s clinical skills while pursuing another passion, or simply to take better care of one’s health and wellness, like what I wanted for myself going into locum work.

Locum work is still work and it is not short of things to learn about. It is just a different way of working to meet your needs differently.

Ready to find out more?

If you feel compelled to speak to us after reading this, whether it’s to clarify any burning questions you may have or to understand more on how we can help you get started on locum work, feel free to drop us a call or write to us! Connect with Us!